Igman - Since 1950



Representatives of the defense industry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the fair in Malaysia

Konjic, May 8, 2024 -  The Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining, and Industry announced that the defense industry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by UNIS GROUP d.o.o, was showcased at the "Defense Services Asia - DSA 2024" fair in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Representatives from "IGMAN" d.d. Konjic, UNIS "Ginex" d.d. Goražde, "Binas" d.d. Bugojno, and "BNT-TMBH" d.d. Novi Travnik companies, participated at the event.

Through collective participation, a synergistic effect of marketing presentation of numerous potentials and opportunities of our manufacturers in the defense industry was achieved. Contacts with potential customers and future business partners were established, opening new possibilities for the expansion of our products and services in the markets of this region. The exceptional attendance at the exhibition space and numerous activities conducted by our representatives with international partners, diplomats, and representatives of various ministries worldwide will strengthen the defense industry manufacturers of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, enhancing their production capacities, ultimately having a significant impact on their positioning and recognition in the global market," stated the Federal Ministry.

The exhibition space of the defense industry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was visited by the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Malaysia, Edin Jahić, representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Defense of Malaysia, as well as numerous other delegations, guests, business partners, and collaborators.

The fair in Malaysia is considered one of the most prestigious and important events in the defense industry in this part of the world, with 1,200 companies from 60 countries participating, as announced by the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining, and Industry.

“IGMAN” d.d. Konjic/Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Predstavnici namjenske industrije FBiH na sajmu u Maleziji

Konjic, 8. 5. 2024.  - Federalno ministarstvo energije, rudarstva i industrije saopćilo je da je namjenska industrija Federacije BiH, u organizaciji UNIS GROUP d.o.o, predstavljena na sajmu „Defense Services Asia - DSA 2024“ u Kuala Lumpuru u Maleziji. Na sajmu su učestvovali predstavnici kompanija „Igman“ d.d. Konjic, UNIS "Ginex“ d.d. Goražde, „Binas“ d.d. Bugojno i „BNT-TMBH“ d.d. Novi Travnik.

- Zajedničkim nastupom postignut je sinergijski efekat marketinškog predstavljanja brojnih potencijala i mogućnosti naših proizvođača u oblasti odbrambene industrije. Ovom prilikom su uspostavljeni  kontakti sa potencijalnim kupcima i budućim poslovnim partnerima, čime se otvaraju nove mogućnosti za ekspanziju naših proizvoda i usluga na trzištima ovog regiona. Izuzetna posjećenost  izložbenom prostoru i brojne realizirane aktivnosti naših predstavnika sa ino partnerima, diplomatama i predstavnicima različitih ministarstava diljem svijeta, rezultiraće osnaživanjem proizvođača namjenske industrije Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, jačanjem njihovih proizvodnih kapaciteta, što će u konačnici imati veliki učinak na njihovo pozicioniranje i prepoznatljivost na svjetskom tržistu – navedeno je u saopćenju Federalnog ministarstva.

Izložbeni prostor namjenske industrije Federacije BiH su posjetili ambasador BiH u Maleziji Edin Jahić, predstavnici Ministarstva odbrane BiH i Ministarstva odbrane Malezije, te brojne druge delegacije, gosti, poslovni partneri i saradnici.

Sajam u Maleziji slovi za jedan od najprestižnijih i najvažnijih sajmova u oblasti odbrambene industrije u ovom dijelu svijeta tokom kojeg se predstavilo 1.200 kompanija iz 60 država, saopćeno je iz Federalnog ministarstva energije, rudarstva i industrije.

“IGMAN” d.d. Konjic/Vlada FBiH

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FBiH Prime Minister Nermin Nikšić visits defense industry company “IGMAN” d.d. Konjic, the Government's support unquestionable

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Premijer FBiH Nermin Nikšić posjetio kompaniju namjenske industrije “IGMAN” d.d. Konjic, podrška Vlade neupitna

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