Igman - Since 1950



Shareholders Assembly of “Igman” d.d. Konjic

04th July 2022 - The 30th regular annual Shareholders Assembly of "Igman" d.d. Konjic was held in Konjic on Thursday 30th June 2022.

In addition to the adopted Annual Financial Report on the company's operations for 2021, which includes the reports of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board, the Audit Committee and the Auditor's Report for the period 01st January – 31st December 2021, the Assembly passed the Decision to increase capital by increasing the nominal value of shares, as well as the Dividend decision.

"The company “Igman” d.d. Konjc had a positive business trend in 2021. As in previous years, special attention was paid to investing from the profit, so that in 2021 a significant amount was invested in the renewal of equipment and new, modern technological processes, and part of the profit was distributed through a dividend", said the director of "Igman" d.d. Konjic Đahid Muratbegović.

"Igman" d.d. Konjic is a state-owned manufacturer of small arms ammunition for military and commercial purposes, and a leader among companies in the defence industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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