Igman - Since 1950



Agreement Signed Between JP AUTOCESTE FBiH and PD IGMAN, KONJIC – Construction of a New Ammunition Testing Range to Begin Soon

Konjic, March 27, 2025 Today, an agreement was signed at the premises of IGMAN d.d. Konjic, addressing safety concerns related to the use of the open ammunition testing range of the IGMAN military industry factory during the construction and operation of the motorway section on Corridor Vc: Ovčari – Konjic – Prenj Tunnel – Mostar North.

The motorway route for this section, just before entering Prenj Mountain, runs through the Bijela Valley, southeast of Konjic. In the same valley, in the foothill area known as Rakov Laz, is the testing range for ammunition produced by the IGMAN factory. The agreement defines safety protocols for the use of the open testing range and outlines the phases for developing the conceptual design, aligning the motorway route with the ammunition test trajectory, designing the new open testing range, drafting the main project, obtaining the construction permit, and ultimately building and commissioning the new facility.

The agreement was signed by the directors of JP AUTOCESTE FBiH, Denis Lasić, and IGMAN, Adnan Prevljak.

"We have previously emphasized the importance of this motorway section, which is part of the Pan-European Transport Corridor connecting Budapest to Ploče on the Adriatic coast, as well as one of its key infrastructural projects – the Prenj Tunnel. By signing this agreement with IGMAN, we have finalized the alignment of the motorway route, its associated structures, and the platform for the construction of the Prenj Tunnel with the ammunition testing range trajectory, creating the necessary preconditions for further work on this section," said JP AUTOCESTE FBiH Director Denis Lasić.

The agreement defines the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both parties. According to IGMAN's director, the construction of a new, modern facility will resolve a decades-old issue with the existing testing range, which was inadequate in terms of accessibility.

"From our side, I can express satisfaction with resolving the issue of the open ammunition testing range and the construction of the Corridor Vc motorway section. With this agreement signed with AUTOCESTE, the IGMAN military industry factory will receive a completely new open testing range, built to the required standards. I can confidently say that this is yet another step toward modernizing our factory, which I consistently emphasize as a crucial factor for business expansion", said IGMAN Director Adnan Prevljak.

The agreement also specifies the construction timeline for the testing range, which will follow the dynamics of the motorway construction.

Otvoreni opitni poligon, Igman d.d. Konjic (foto).jpg


Potpisan sporazum između JP AUTOCESTE FBiH i PD IGMAN, KONJIC – Uskoro gradnja novog poligona za testiranje municije

Konjic, 27. 3. 2025. Danas je u prostorijama Privrednog drušva “IGMAN” d.d. Konjic potpisan sporazum o rješavanju pitanja bezbjednosti upotrebe otvorenog poligona za testiranje municije fabrike vojne industrije “IGMAN” tokom gradnje i eksploatacije dionice autoceste na koridoru Vc, Ovčari – Konjic – tunel Prenj – Mostar sjever.

Trasa autoceste na spomenutoj dionici, neposredno prije ulaza u planinu Prenj pozicionirana je u dolinu Bijela jugoistočno od Konjica. U istoj dolini u njenom predplaninskom dijelu, nazvanom “Rakov laz” nalazi se opitni poligon za testiranje municije koju proizvodi fabrika “IGMAN”. Sporazumom su definisana pitanja bezbjednosti upotrebe otvorenog poligona kao i faze koje definišu izradu idejnog rješenja i usklađivanje usvojene trase autoceste sa trasom testnog pucanja municije, idejnog projekta otvorenog poligona, glavnog projekta, ishodovanja građevinske dozvole do izgradnje objekta opitnog poligona i primopredaje.

Ugovor su potpisali direktori preduzeća “AUTOCESTE FBiH”, Denis Lasić i “IGMAN-a”, Adnan Prevljak.

“Ranije smo iz Autocesta FBiH isticali značaj same dionice koja je dio panevropskog transportnog koridora koji povezuje Budimpeštu s Pločama na Jadranskoj obali, kao i jednog od ključnih infrastrukturnih projekata na trasi – tunela Prenj. Potpisivanjem sporazuma s IGMAN-om stavljamo tačku na usklađivanje trase autoceste, pripadajućih sadržaja kao i platoa za izgradnju tunela Prenj sa trasom opitnog poligona za testiranje municije, čime su stvoreni preduslovi za dalje aktivnosti Autocesta na izgradnji spomenute dionice”, kazao je direktor JP AUTOCESTE FBiH Denis Lasić.

Sporazumom su definisana prava, obaveze i odgovornosti ugovornih strana i prema riječima direktora IGMAN-a gradnjom novog, savremenog objekta rješava se višedecenijski problem postojećeg opitnog poligona koji je bio neadekvatan u smislu samog pristupa.

“S naše strane mogu izraziti zadovoljstvo zbog rješavanja pitanja otvorenog poligona za testiranje municije i gradnju dionice autoceste Koridora Vc. Potpisanim sporazumom s Autocestama, fabrika vojne industrije IGMAN će dobiti potpuno novi i prema zahtjevanim standardima izgrađen otvoreni opitni poligon što je, slobodno mogu reći, još jedan korak na putu modernizacije fabrike što stalno ističem kao krucijalni faktor za širenje poslovanja”, kazao je direktor IGMAN-a Adnan Prevljak.

Sporazumom je preciziran i vremenski okvir izgradnje opitnog poligona a isti će pratiti dinamiku izgradnje same trase autoceste.

Otvoreni opitni poligon, Igman d.d. Konjic (foto).jpg


Agreement Signed Between JP AUTOCESTE FBiH and PD IGMAN, KONJIC – Construction of a New Ammunition Testing Range to Begin Soon

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Potpisan sporazum između JP AUTOCESTE FBiH i PD IGMAN, KONJIC – Uskoro gradnja novog poligona za testiranje municije

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